Circular Economy
Circular Economy and OLEICFAT
OLEICFAT has been working on the circular economy since its inception, giving added value to the by-products generated in the olive oil sector.
In addition, OLEICFAT is a member of BIOPLAT, promoting the development of sustainability in the Cordoba, Andalusian and Spanish economies.
With our know-how and experience, we are in a position to affirm that OLEICFAT does not produce any type of polluting waste of fat origin, since all the oils and fats that we obtain in our production process have economic value and generate value in different industrial sectors.
OLEICFAT is committed to economic development in the region, generating a multitude of synergies with other activities: Transport, services, auxiliary industry, etc.

Due to the long history of the company dedicated to the management ofby-products of the olive grove sector, we have developed a set ofproprietary techniques and technologies that allow us to affirm that we contribute to improve the ecological footprint of the sector, in addition to generating value added to it
Regional development
Oleicfat is a member of BIOPLAT, promoting the development of sustainability in the Cordoba, Andalusian and Spanish economies.
We are committed to an economic development of the region, generating a multitude of synergies with other activities: Transportation, services, auxiliary industry, etc.
Commitment Waste water Discharge 0
Our strategic objective is to become a zero waste water discharge company by 2030